Tuesday, December 8, 2009

My Doctor Hates Me

So, I had a checkup today, complete with the results from the blood work-up that I had last week. Since February, my cholesterol has jumped 18 points and my blood glucose (blood sugar) has gone up 41 points (almost to the "We'll need to check this weekly for a while to see if you need insulin" numbers). Not to mention I'm 8 lbs up (I was already up 30 lbs since being the MOST pregnant with my baby (who will turn 15 yrs old this month)from the last time I went to the doctor (which was only May) Oy! Turning 40 sure has played some nasty tricks on me! Of course, I have been overweight for the last 15 years, so age, for me has absolutely nothing to do with it.

Food, on the otherhand, has everything and then some, to blame! Why God, Why must you punish me for liking Dr. Pepper? And cheese (on top of pizza and burgers and baked potatoes with bacon)? Is it so bad that the most exercise my body ever suffers through is the walking that I MUST endure to get from my vehicle into whatever building I'm headed? Or to the refrigerator?

Well...no more my friends. I have entered a contest with Candy 95, and whether I'm chosen for the fitness challenge or not, my ordeal with the fight against hunger (mine) is going to be chronicled on this here blog. If you read it to begin with, you have suffered through my other ordeals, and you'll get through this just fine - I promise.

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